

Masar Electronic Fatoorah System

In response to the rapid growth in the Saudi business environment, we have shared our electronic invoiving platform And we have passed the second stage of the electronic invoice, which is the stage of linking and integration with ZATCA Authority. The second stage revolves around linking the electronic systems of electronic invoicing services to a system of the Zakat Authority through the Authority’s “invoice” platform; This is in order to process data, approve invoices and taxes, and ensure the validity of their data, and we allow all our customers to verify the process of linking and integration with the Authority by entering the electronic bill platform, Masar Electronic Invoice , through the following link: 

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Electronic invoicing system is a process to transform paper invoices into an electronic process that allows the exchange of invoices, in an electronic integrated organized format between the buyer and the seller.

On 4 of December 2021, the electronic invoicing system was obligatory by the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority as an essential step that works to keep pace with global tax procedures to stop cases of commercial concealment


Managing and organizing invoices easily. Who are subject to the electronic Invoicing regulation?

Business owners registered in VAT have to issue electronic invoices in their dealings with consumers

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